This is how you start playing soccer professionally

If you’re reading this, I assume you have the passion for the game and enjoy to play soccer. You’ve done well with your team and you’ve shared some sweat and tears in training sessions. You are getting better at what you’re doing and happen to be looking for ways to get your name out there …

3 most popular sports in the world right now

The popularity of every sport in the world has shifted throughout the years. There are some sports that were once extremely popular, and are now hardly popular at all. Other sports start out as small events, but explode into major televised events, attracting viewers from all over the world. Most sports fans then can`t wait …

What will sports look like in the following years?

Sports are a part of our culture, or at least they have been for quite some time. Going to the gym, playing basketball, biking or jogging, lifting weights and running have always been a big thing in our society. And perhaps they will be in the following years. But what will sports look like in …