What will sports look like in the following years?

Sports are a part of our culture, or at least they have been for quite some time. Going to the gym, playing basketball, biking or jogging, lifting weights and running have always been a big thing in our society. And perhaps they will be in the following years. But what will sports look like in the following years? This is an interesting and thought-provoking question that has been asked by many sports enthusiasts and experts. With the recent emergence of virtual and augmented reality, it is hard to imagine the impact it will have on the next generation of athletes, coaches, and fans. Today I will focus only on two things: stadiums and judges.

The stadiums

Sports stadiums will look completely different in the following years due to technological advancements.

In fact, sports stadiums are already changing. For example, many of them have begun using virtual reality (VR) technology to improve the fan experience. Namely, one stadium has installed VR technology that allows fans to watch their favourite players from the comfort of their own home using VR sets. This has led to an increase in ticket sales for the games played at that stadium. In addition, it allows fans who cannot make it to games in person to still feel like they are part of the action.

Another way that sports stadiums will change is with the use of drones. Drones can be used at sporting events for delivering food or other items directly to fans who order them beforehand through mobile apps. This will allow fans who are not able to get out of their seats during games to get their food and not worry about missing a part of the game.

Moreover, drones will be used more and more to improve game broadcasting as they will be able to capture everything that is happening on the field from different angles.


The old-school whistle, scorecard, and pencil combo is becoming more and more obsolete as the world moves towards a more digital, automated approach.

For example, the NBA uses an app that allows fans to vote on calls made during games—whether or not a foul should have been called or if a player should’ve been ejected from the game after committing a flagrant foul.

Judges themselves will become more digitised.

A new type of judge is being developed that combines the best qualities of humans and machines. The new judges are called “robotic judges” or “AI judges”. These AI judges have a wide range of abilities and can be used in many sports, such as basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, golf, and even horse riding. The main advantage of these robotic judges is that they can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! They don’t need any breaks or sleep periods like humans do so they can make decisions much faster than humans ever could. The robot judges will also be able to analyse data from all matches very quickly which means they can make more accurate decisions than humans.

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